Fate Of The Jedi: Outcast

Fate Of The Jedi: Outcast
Fate of the Jedi: Outcast is the first novel in a nine-book series that continues the Star Wars Expanded Universe storylines following the events of the Legacy of the Force series. The novel picks up where Legacy of the Force left off, with Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker exiling his own nephew, Jacen Solo, who had turned to the dark side and become the Sith Lord Darth Caedus. As Luke and the Jedi Order try to move forward and rebuild after the war, they are confronted with a new threat: mysterious and deadly Force abilities that are appearing among their own ranks. Meanwhile, Han and Leia Solo are dealing with personal crises of their own, as they try to cope with the loss of their son Jacen and their troubled relationship with their daughter Jaina. As tensions rise and the galaxy becomes more dangerous, the Jedi must confront their own demons and fight to keep the peace.
- Published
- Mar 24, 2009
- Pages
- 340
- Publisher(s)
- Century
- Del Rey
- Series
- Star Wars Fate Of The Jedi
- Author(s)
- Aaron Allston
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