Servants Of The Empire: The Secret Academy

Servants Of The Empire: The Secret Academy
Servants Of The Empire: The Secret Academy is a young adult novel set in the Star Wars universe. The book is part of the Servants of the Empire series and was written by Jason Fry. It follows the story of Zare Leonis, a cadet at the Imperial Academy who is investigating the disappearance of his sister, Dhara. As he delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a conspiracy that could threaten the Empire itself. Along the way, he meets a group of rebels who are trying to bring down the Empire from within.
More Details
- Published
- Oct 06, 2015
- Pages
- 192
- Publisher(s)
- Disney-lucasfilm Press
- Series
- Star Wars Rebels Servants Of The Empire
- Author(s)
- Jason Fry
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