The Clone Wars: No Prisoners

The Clone Wars: No Prisoners
The Clone Wars: No Prisoners is a Star Wars novel written by Karen Traviss. The story takes place during the Clone Wars and follows the 501st Legion, a group of elite clone troopers under the command of Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex. The 501st is tasked with taking down a Separatist stronghold on the planet of Ryloth, which is home to the Twi'lek species. As they engage in battle, the clone troopers discover that the Separatists are using Twi'lek prisoners as shields. The 501st must make a difficult decision: risk the lives of the prisoners or sacrifice the mission.
More Details
- Published
- May 19, 2009
- Pages
- 274
- Publisher(s)
- Century
- Del Rey
- Series
- Star Wars Clone Wars ( Young Reader )
- Author(s)
- Karen Traviss
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