The Courtship Of Princess Leia

The Courtship Of Princess Leia
The Courtship of Princess Leia is a novel written by Dave Wolverton and set in the Star Wars universe. The book follows Princess Leia as she faces pressure to marry to secure the support of the powerful Hapes Consortium for the New Republic. Han Solo, unable to bear the thought of losing Leia, sets off on a mission to win her heart and encounters unexpected challenges along the way. Meanwhile, the evil warlord Zsinj seeks to cement his power by capturing Leia and Han, and the mysterious Nightsisters of Dathomir plot to destroy the Skywalker family.
More Details
- Published
- Apr 01, 1994
- Pages
- 374
- Publisher(s)
- Bantam Books
- Bantam Spectra
- Series
- All One Off Books
- Author(s)
- Dave Wolverton
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