X-wing: Solo Command

X-wing: Solo Command
X-wing: Solo Command is a Star Wars Legends novel written by Aaron Allston. The novel is part of the X-wing series and was first published in 1999. In Solo Command, the Wraith Squadron is sent on a mission to stop Warlord Zsinj from becoming the next Emperor of the galaxy. The team is led by Wedge Antilles and its members include pilots and soldiers who are experts in various areas of sabotage, espionage, and infiltration. The Wraiths will face various challenges and obstacles during their mission, including betrayal from within their own ranks. The novel is an action-packed adventure that follows the Wraiths as they risk everything to stop Zsinj's evil plan.
- Published
- Feb 02, 1999
- Pages
- 341
- Publisher(s)
- Bantam Books
- Bantam Spectra
- Series
- Star Wars X-wing
- Author(s)
- Aaron Allston
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