Star Wars Alphabet Squadron

Star Wars Alphabet Squadron is a trilogy of science fiction novels by author Alexander Freed set in the Star Wars universe. The series follows the story of Alphabet Squadron, a group of five pilots from different backgrounds and with different skill sets who are brought together by the New Republic to hunt down the remnants of the Imperial Navy's elite TIE fighter pilots, known as Shadow Wing, after the Battle of Endor.
In the first book, Alphabet Squadron, the team is formed and tasked with finding and eliminating Shadow Wing. In the second book, Shadow Fall, the squadron continues their mission, but they face internal conflict and are forced to confront their own pasts as they struggle to stay united.
In the final book, Victory's Price, the war between the New Republic and the Empire comes to a head, and Alphabet Squadron must make a final push to defeat Shadow Wing and bring an end to the war. The series explores themes of loyalty, redemption, and the cost of war.

Books in the Series: Star Wars Alphabet Squadron
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