Star Wars Bounty Hunters
Star Wars Bounty Hunters is a comic book series set in the Star Wars universe. The series includes four volumes: Galaxy's Deadliest, Target Valance, Crimson Reign, and The Raid on the Vermillion.
In Galaxy's Deadliest, a group of notorious bounty hunters including Bossk, Valance, and Boba Fett are hired to track down a dangerous target that leads them on a journey across the galaxy.
Target Valance follows the cyborg bounty hunter, Valance, as he seeks revenge against those who turned him into a machine and destroyed his life.
Crimson Reign features a group of bounty hunters and crime lords who are caught up in the power struggle for control of the criminal underworld following the fall of the Galactic Empire.
The Raid on the Vermillion sees the bounty hunters teaming up with the Rebel Alliance to take down a ruthless crime lord who has taken over a planet and its resources.
Overall, the Star Wars Bounty Hunters series explores the gritty world of bounty hunting in the Star Wars universe and the complex relationships between those who operate within it.
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