Star Wars Kanan
Star Wars Kanan is a comic book series set in the Star Wars universe that tells the backstory of Kanan Jarrus, a character from the animated television series Star Wars Rebels. The series includes the books Star Wars: Kanan Omnibus, Star Wars: Kanan Vol. 1 - The Last Padawan, and Star Wars: Kanan Vol. 2 - First Blood.
The Last Padawan focuses on Kanan's life as a Padawan during the Clone Wars and his survival after Order 66, which marked the beginning of the Great Jedi Purge.
First Blood takes place shortly after The Last Padawan and follows Kanan and his crew as they try to make a living as smugglers while avoiding the attention of the Empire.
The Star Wars: Kanan Omnibus collects all twelve issues of the comic book series and tells the complete story of Kanan's journey from Padawan to Rebel leader.
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