Star Wars Rebels
Star Wars Rebels is an animated television series set in the Star Wars universe. While there are several tie-in books, the books you mentioned - A New Dawn, Battle to the End, Droids in Distress, Ezra's Duel with Danger, Ezra's Gamble, and Rise of the Rebels - are not part of the show's canon, but rather part of a series of junior novels that are loosely based on the events of the show.
A New Dawn is a prequel to the Star Wars Rebels series and tells the story of how two of the show's main characters, Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla, first met.
Rise of the Rebels introduces readers to the show's main characters and follows them as they come together to form a rebel cell and take on the might of the Empire.
Droids in Distress and Ezra's Gamble are stand-alone adventures that focus on the droids and the young protagonist, Ezra Bridger.
Ezra's Duel with Danger takes place during the show's first season and follows Ezra as he learns the ways of the Force and faces off against an Inquisitor.
Battle to the End is a retelling of the show's final episodes, which see the rebels take on the Empire in a desperate bid to save their friends and strike a blow against the evil regime.
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