Star Wars Adventures: The Weapon Of A Jedi

Star Wars Adventures: The Weapon Of A Jedi
Star Wars Adventures: The Weapon Of A Jedi is a graphic novel written by Jeremy Barlow and illustrated by Ilias Kyriazis. It is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Jason Fry. The story takes place between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, and it follows Luke Skywalker as he goes on a mission to retrieve supplies for the Rebel Alliance. Along the way, he discovers an ancient Jedi weapon that he must learn to use in order to defeat an Imperial agent who is hot on his trail.
More Details
- Published
- Jan 11, 2022
- Pages
- 80
- Publisher(s)
- Idw Publishing
- Series
- Star Wars Adventures
- Writer(s)
- Alec Worley
- Jason Fry
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