Jedi Apprentice: The Call To Vengeance

Jedi Apprentice: The Call To Vengeance
Jedi Apprentice: The Call To Vengeance is a novel by Jude Watson that takes place in the Star Wars universe. The book follows the story of Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn as they embark on a mission to investigate the Trade Federation's involvement in illegal activities on the planet of Telos IV. Along the way, they encounter a group of pirates who threaten their mission and their lives. Obi-Wan must confront his fears and prove his worth as a Jedi in order to complete the mission and save the people of Telos IV.
More Details
- Published
- Dec 01, 2001
- Pages
- 134
- Publisher(s)
- Scholastic Inc
- Series
- Star Wars Jedi Apprentice
- Author(s)
- Jude Watson
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