Medstar Ii: Jedi Healer

Medstar Ii: Jedi Healer
Medstar II: Jedi Healer by Michael Reaves and Steve Perry - This is the second novel in the Medstar duology. Set during the Clone Wars, the book continues the story of the Republic surgical unit as they struggle to save lives on the front lines. Jedi Padawan Barriss Offee and surgeon Jos Vondar return in this novel, as they face new challenges and dangers, including a deadly virus that threatens to wipe out an entire planet.
More Details
- Published
- Sep 28, 2004
- Pages
- 322
- Publisher(s)
- Arrow Books
- Del Rey
- Series
- Star Wars Clone Wars Medstar Duology
- Author(s)
- Michael Reaves
- Steve Perry
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