Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel

Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel
Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel by Karen Traviss is set in the aftermath of the Clone Wars and explores the events leading up to the infamous Order 66, which marked the end of the Jedi Order. The story follows the elite clone troopers of the Republic Commando unit as they struggle to come to terms with their role in the execution of the order. The novel delves into the psychology of the clone troopers, their loyalty to the Republic and their conflicted emotions towards their Jedi allies. The book is known for its exploration of the moral and ethical issues raised by the Star Wars universe and has been praised for its depth and complexity.
- Published
- Sep 16, 2008
- Pages
- 467
- Publisher(s)
- Del Rey
- Orbit
- Series
- Star Wars Republic Commando
- Author(s)
- Karen Traviss
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