Shield Of Lies

Shield Of Lies
Shield of Lies is the second novel in The Black Fleet Crisis trilogy by Michael P. Kube-McDowell. The New Republic faces a dire new threat in the form of the Yevetha, a ruthless species that has attacked the peaceful planet of Dubrillion and plans to conquer the galaxy. Leia Organa Solo and Han Solo lead a diplomatic mission to try and establish peace with the Yevetha, but their efforts are complicated by political maneuvering, sabotage, and a traitor in their midst.
More Details
- Published
- Aug 01, 1996
- Pages
- 340
- Publisher(s)
- Bantam Books
- Bantam Spectra
- Series
- Star Wars The Black Fleet Crisis
- Author(s)
- Michael P. Kube-mcdowell
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