The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey

The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey
The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey is a novel written by Elaine Cunningham, published in 2002. In this book, the war between the New Republic and the Yuuzhan Vong continues, and Jaina Solo is struggling to come to terms with the death of her brother, Anakin. As she tries to deal with her grief, she embarks on a dangerous mission to hunt down and kill the Yuuzhan Vong warrior who killed Anakin. Along the way, she finds herself questioning the values and beliefs she has always held dear, and begins to understand the complexities of the enemy she is fighting. Meanwhile, her friend and fellow Jedi, Kyp Durron, is dealing with his own personal demons as he struggles with the loss of his own loved ones.
- Published
- Jan 29, 2002
- Pages
- 301
- Publisher(s)
- Arrow Books
- Del Rey
- Series
- Star Wars The New Jedi Order
- Author(s)
- Elaine Cunningham
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