Star Wars Jedi Prince
Star Wars Jedi Prince is a series of six young adult novels set in the Star Wars universe. The series follows the adventures of Ken, the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia, as he becomes a Jedi apprentice and battles against the Empire and other villains.
In The Glove of Darth Vader, Ken and his friends set out to find the titular glove, which is rumored to give the wearer great power.
In The Lost City of the Jedi, Ken discovers a hidden city of Jedi and works to stop the Empire from discovering its location.
Zorba the Hutt's Revenge sees Ken and his friends facing off against the notorious Hutt crime lord as he seeks revenge against them for past actions.
Mission from Mount Yoda has Ken traveling to Dagobah to seek guidance from the ghost of Yoda.
In Queen of the Empire, Ken and his friends work to stop the evil Trioculus from seizing the throne of the Empire.
Finally, Prophets of the Dark Side has Ken facing off against a new villainous group, the Prophets of the Dark Side, who seek to bring about the downfall of the Jedi.
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