Star Wars Manga
Star Wars Manga is a series of graphic novels that retell the stories of various Star Wars movies in a Japanese manga style. The series includes Star Wars Manga Black, Star Wars Manga Silver, Star Wars Manga The Empire Strikes Back (books 1-4), Star Wars Manga Return of the Jedi (books 1-4), Star Wars Manga Phantom Menace (books 1-2), and Star Wars Manga A New Hope (books 1-4).
Each volume follows the major plot points of the corresponding movie, but with the added flair of manga-style artwork and storytelling. Star Wars Manga Black and Star Wars Manga Silver are unique volumes that contain original stories set in the Star Wars universe, with Black focusing on the character Darth Maul and Silver following a group of bounty hunters.
Overall, the Star Wars Manga series offers a fresh and visually striking take on the beloved Star Wars saga.
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