Star Wars Boba Fett Enemy Of The Empire

Star Wars Boba Fett Enemy Of The Empire
Star Wars Boba Fett Enemy Of The Empire is a graphic novel written by John Wagner and illustrated by Ian Gibson. Set during the time between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, the story follows the bounty hunter Boba Fett as he takes on a mission for Darth Vader to eliminate an Imperial traitor, Sate Pestage. Along the way, Fett faces challenges from various characters, including a rival bounty hunter and a group of rebels. The graphic novel was originally published in 1999 and has since been reprinted multiple times.
More Details
- Published
- Oct 06, 1999
- Pages
- 117
- Publisher(s)
- Dark Horse
- Series
- Star Wars Boba Fett
- Writer(s)
- John Wagner
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