Star Wars Heir To The Empire

Star Wars Heir To The Empire
Heir to the Empire is a Star Wars Legends novel, written by Timothy Zahn, and takes place five years after the events of Return of the Jedi. The Rebel Alliance has re-established the Republic, but they face new threats from remnants of the defeated Empire. Grand Admiral Thrawn, a brilliant strategist, emerges from the shadows and leads the remnants in a plan to crush the New Republic. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo continue to face their own challenges, both personal and political, as they work to protect the new Republic and find their places in the changing galaxy. The novel introduces new characters like Mara Jade, a former agent of the Emperor, and features beloved characters from the original trilogy. Heir to the Empire was a bestseller and is widely regarded as the novel that launched the Star Wars Expanded Universe.
- Published
- May 01, 1991
- Pages
- 398
- Publisher(s)
- Bantam Books
- Bantam Spectra
- Series
- Star Wars The Thrawn Trilogy
- Author(s)
- Timothy Zahn
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